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RCSJ Phi Theta Kappa的顾问和学生参加3月在马里兰州举行的中部州地区会议,以获得学术荣誉

RCSJ Phi Theta Kappa的顾问和学生参加3月在马里兰州举行的中部州地区会议,获得学术领导奖.​

来自Alpha Psi Pi(威尼斯人注册校区)和Rho Gamma(坎伯兰校区)分会的威尼斯人会员注册Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会的学生参加了36场比赛th 中部州地区大会将于2023年3月10日至12日在马里兰州巴尔的摩举行. To become a RCSJ PTK member, 学生必须注册并完成至少12个学分,同时获得最低GPA 3.5. To remain a member, students must maintain a 3.25 GPA.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)认可大学生的学术成就,并为其成员提供成长为学者和领导者的机会. Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa has a presence on almost 1,300 community college campuses in 11 nations. 美国社区学院协会(AACC)于1929年承认Phi Theta Kappa为两年制学院的官方荣誉协会. More than 3.8 million students have been inducted since 1918, with approximately 250,000 active members in the nation's community colleges.

地区会议允许分会与邻近分会建立联系,并以最少的旅行和费用体验Phi Theta Kappa计划. 分会和学生也因其学术卓越和领导才能而得到认可. 今年,来自两个校区的RCSJ学生和顾问因他们的成就而受到认可. 

RCSJ's Gloucester campus Alpha Psi Pi chapter awards include:  

  • Recognized as 1 of 33 chapters earning 5-Star status.  There are over 80 chapters in the Middle States Region;
  • Received the League of Honor Award for completion of Honors in Action, College Project, Middle States engagement, and participation in the Google Classroom learning experience; and
  • Alpha Psi Pi earned REACH Rewards for 2022.

RCSJ's Gloucester campus Alpha Psi Pi student/advisor awards include:

  • Domonique DeNardo (past officer), Karen Paladino (past officer), 和Megan Rinaldo(现任官员)因完成Phi Theta Kappa Edge项目的努力而获得认可.  Although optional, 这些课程是希望获得我们在每个校区提供的杰出会员称号的学生的要求;
  • Alejandra Valencia(顾问)获得五星顾问奖;
  • Alejandra Valencia还获得了具有1-4年经验的顾问Paragon奖. 瓦伦西亚将在下个月的PTK催化剂年度盛会上表彰这一成就.

Megan Rinaldo, Alpha Psi Pi的执行副总裁,分享她的PTK经验. “My family has been my biggest motivation for accepting this role. As a mom of two boys under 7, 我想告诉他们,如果你设定目标并努力实现这些目标,一切皆有可能. Phi Theta Kappa has helped me gain confidence to grow as a person, student, 同时在写作和研究方面获得更多的专业技能," says Rinaldo.

​Alejandra Valencia, PTK Advisor, Gloucester Campus reflects, “PTK has seen me grow from the time I was a student at RCSJ. 他们是第一个让我有机会融入校园并感受到归属感的人. 因此,我很高兴能以导师的身份将这些回馈给现在和未来的学生. 这个奖是给他们的,感谢他们激励我发挥我最大的潜力. Helping them is my life's purpose."
RCSJ's Cumberland campus Rho Gamma chapter awards include:

  • Recognized as 1 of 33 chapters earning 5-Star status.  There are over 80 chapters in the Middle States Region;
  • Rho Gamma earned REACH Rewards for 2022

RCSJ's Cumberland campus Rho Gamma advisor awards include:

  • 迈克尔·莱蒙因其在完成Phi Theta Kappa Edge项目方面的努力而获得认可;
  • Michael Lemon received an award for his recognition as a 5-Star Advisor.

Lemon, PTK Advisor, Cumberland Campus, shares, “看到PTK官员作为一个正式的团队一起工作,让PTK组织内外的每个人都觉得自己是RCSJ大家庭的一部分,这让我感到很满足."

​In addition to these awards, Kayla Ortiz, Executive Vice-President for the Cumberland Campus chapter, 现在将担任下一年中部州地区2023年东区社长.  She will be traveling to Jackson, 将于2023年11月在密西西比州与其他地区官员和Phi Theta Kappa的首席执行官进行为期三天的培训, Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner.

Ortiz分享说:“PTK帮助我在个人、专业和学生领袖方面成长. Throughout my time in PTK, I had the opportunity to hone my leadership, effective communication, and active listening skills. 我已经能够加强我的写作和研究技能,而与团队的高成就和积极进取的学生一起工作. 我很自豪能成为RCSJ坎伯兰历史上第一支达到五星地位的球队的一员, the highest status a chapter can achieve! 这一认可代表了我们分会作为学生领袖的辛勤工作和奉献精神."
For more information on RCSJ Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society visit​​

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